So, what’s up in China? 🇨🇳 Issue 206, covering 21 Nov – 27 Nov

1. Jack Ma’s new venture—pre-packaged meals? ‘Hangzhou Ma’s Kitchen Food’ launches in Alibaba’s hometown. This marks Jack Ma’s new venture amid post-pandemic eating habit shifts. Despite plans to fund this through Alibaba share sales earlier, a stock price plunge has delayed these sales. (South China Morning Post)

2. China’s new visa-free policy sparks tourism search surge. Searches for inbound flights from Malaysia and five participating European countries increased 12% after the policy’s announcement, according to Tongcheng Travel. (SZ Daily)

3. GDP 2024. Advisers plan to propose China’s GPD 2024 growth targets of 4.5 – 5.5% at the Central Economic Work Conference next month. Five of seven advisers favour a target around 5%, consistent with this year’s goal. (Reuters)

4. China’s 5G mobile phones. 5G mobile phone shipments in China leapt 90% YoY to 28.7 million units in September, according to CAICT data. These shipments made up 86.3% of China’s total phone shipments for the month. (ChinaOrg)

5. E-medical services on the rise in 2023. China is leveraging online platforms to enhance patient care, offering services like online consultations, home-delivered prescriptions, reducing hospital cross-infections and wait times. (China Gov)

6. China’s industrial profit slows? China’s October industrial profits rose by 2.7% YoY, a slower rate than previous months due to ongoing deflation. Decline from August’s 17.2% gains to September’s 11.9% suggests a fragile economic recovery as 2023 ends. (Bloomberg)

7. Celebrity birthday videos? Netizens discovered celebrity birthday messages online for a notorious Myanmar crime lord’s son. Several of the celebrities have since issued public apologies. China’s booming fandom culture fuels a thriving industry of personalised celebrity videos, with over 10,000 videos already sold on Taobao. (Sixth Tone)

Make sure you also follow Ashley on LinkedIn for daily insights on China and many more. Book a date if you would like to get in touch to discuss your China strategy or for any other possible questions related.

Ashley Dudarenok
Ashley Dudarenok

Ashley is a renowned digital China expert, entrepreneur and bestselling author. She’s the founder of a China digital consultancy ChoZan and China-focused marketing agency Alarice. She’s worked with big brands such as Coca Cola and Disney and is helping brands learn for and from China, the world’s largest and most digitized market.